By Ms Candyce van Rooy on Friday, 16 April 2021
Category: News & Events

UNISA’S Chance 2 Advance Programme

Unisa’s Chance 2 Advance programme offered a two-day workshop to the College of Cape Town students. The Chance 2 Advance programme seeks to liberate, democratise and mobilize knowledge out of the university to create access for South African communities to cutting edge, current and socially transformative knowledge while concurrently mobilizing community knowledge into the university to transform, enrich and revitalise scholarship.

The Work Integrated Learning Department planned the two-day workshop arranged for 22 and 23 October 2020 for the College's exiting students.  The event took place in the main Hall at the Crawford campus. The welcome and opening to the event were done by Mr Achmat Gafieldien, Deputy Principal: Innovation and Development.

The first day was on Active Citizenship and was attended by sixty-four students consisting of a delegation of the College Students’ Representative Council (SRC) members and Early Childhood Development students. The content of the program encouraged the students to become constructive change agents and contribute to the betterment of their community.  Student Support Services (SSS) assisted with the logistics on the first day.

On the second day, ninety business studies students were exposed to Work Place Effectiveness presentation. Some of the topics discussed were Competency, Reliability, Time Management, Accountability, Teamwork and other good workplace habits. The programs were well received by the students and they only had positive comments about the presentation.