College of Cape Town’s Plumbing Apprentices participate in a World Plumbing Day CSI initiative to refurbish the Holy Cross Children’s Home


Sharmila Cloete, who is currently an apprentice plumber at the College of Cape Town, Thornton Campus, was the only female who formed part of a team that took part in the Corporate Social Investment (CSI) initiative to refurbish the Holy Cross Children’s home in Parow Valley. Sharmila Cloete worked along with her fellow apprentice plumber students and professional plumbers. The areas that needed attention in the Children’s Home were identified and groups were formed to focus on the different areas identified.

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UNISA’S Chance 2 Advance Programme

UNISA1 Mr Achmat Gafieldien, Deputy Principal: Innovation and Development.

Unisa’s Chance 2 Advance programme offered a two-day workshop to the College of Cape Town students. The Chance 2 Advance programme seeks to liberate, democratise and mobilize knowledge out of the university to create access for South African communities to cutting edge, current and socially transformative knowledge while concurrently mobilizing community knowledge into the university to transform, enrich and revitalise scholarship.

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